24/7: (800) 942-8555

*Discount applies to billable labor only. Work order must be less than $500.00 to be eligible.
Cannot be combined with other discounts or proposed signed contract projects.

Is a Tankless Water Heater Right for You

is a tankless water heater right for you

Is a Tankless Water Heater Right for You? Tankless water heaters are an excellent option for many homeowners in Boston, but they may not be right for everyone. If you are looking for an energy-efficient, water-saving, and long-lasting water heater, an advanced tankless water heater is a great option to consider. Is a Tankless Water […]

Top Signs You Need a New Water Heater in Haverhill

The Top Signs You Need A New Water Heater Extreme Plumbing’s: Top Signs You Need a New Water Heater in Haverhill, North Andover & Boxford MA (978) 352-7900 Look for signs of problems – are there obvious leaks? Streaks of rust on the tank? Has the water output decreased? Then factor in the risk… An older or failing […]

8 Ways to Boost Your Water Heater’s Efficiency

hot water heating repair replacement north andover ma

Improve Your Water Heater Efficiency and Slash Energy Bills Increase the efficiency of your water heater and reduce energy costs with these 8 tips. Call 24/7: (800) 942-8555: Extreme Plumbing, water heater repair or replacement in North Andover or Haverhill, MA. lower energy costs, save money now! If you’re in need of water heater repair […]

Signs Your Water Heater Needs Replacement or Repair

water heater needs replacing or repairing

Here are some signs that your water heater needs replacing or repairing: Signs Your Water Heater Needs Replacing or Repairing in BostonIf your Boston water heater is not functioning efficiently or has had a breakdown, it is vital to take action to ensure a steady supply of hot water. This may involve repairing the existing […]

Advanced Tankless Water Heaters Benefits

experience hot water with advanced tankless water heaters

Experience hot water with advanced tankless water heaters. Get Advanced Tankless Water Heaters Benefits with Extreme Plumbing in Boston. (978) 352-7900 Discover the cost-effective benefits of non-condensing tankless water heater installations, for both the customer and the professional. Get Cost-effective tankless water heater installation in Boston areas Get Advanced tankless water heaters installed with a […]